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Turning your hobby into business

tawasGrowing up I never knew one day I will run a business. I never had a dream to run a business, actually it never crossed my mind even once but here I am running a technology business ( ) and a family business (  I do not have a secret like many people and I am still learning business but I would like to share something with you that can help you start your own business by turning your hobby into business.

I love what I do because I don’t feel like I am working but I feel like I am playing and yet I make money even though its not a lot of money but its something.

How I got my first client.

One day I was surfing internet in one internet café and next to me was the owner of the internet café struggling to fix a windows problem for more than an hour. I felt sorry for the lady and I offered to help. In less than 30 minutes I had fixed the problem and she was excited. She didn’t believe I had fixed the problem because I was so young but without knowing I had a first client. She took my cellphone number and every time she had a computer problem she would contact me to come and fix the computer problems after school.

It was fun because I was making some extra cash. Getting paid to use my brain and playing with the computer, that was really fun.

She started referring many people to me so that I can fix their computers and in so doing my business had already started without knowing. I started getting many referrals and after a while I told myself let me formalize my business and start offering my services to businesses. This was the best move and bold step I took. I realised it was fun working with businesses than fixing individual computers so I started focusing more on business IT support more than computer repairs for individuals.

My hobby had turned into a business. There are many people like me who have turned their hobbies into businesses and I would like to urge young people to start thinking of turning their hobbies into businesses. If you know your hobby can make you money why not make money out of it. I have seen people who love talking and making jokes, starting entertainment businesses where they just entertain people by making jokes. These people like me don’t feel like they are working and yet they make money. Why not you?

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