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If you want to be a great business man or woman!

friends articleIf you want to be a great business man or woman, you have to make your friends and family understand that you are running a business otherwise they will drain everything you work for.

There is something i do not understand, i remember one day i asked my friend to help me push some likes on my company facebook page. This was a close friend of mine but he didn’t bother helping me and some days later he asked me for R50 as he was broke. I asked myself isn’t this the same person who refused to help me build my business and he wants money from the very same business he refused to support.

It didn’t make sense to me, but out of good heart i had to give him. I made him understand that what he refused to support is now helping him out of his broke life. What i am saying here is help your friend in whatever business they are doing because tomorrow that business will help you.

Talking about friends and family, be very careful because this group of people always want free things from you. I remember sitting in my car with a friend after a great workshop. He told me something that i feel like  sharing with you today. He told me that he has a friend and this friend had a problem with his computer so he took the computer to another technician who charged him to fix the computer. Later he realised that he wanted something to be fixed again so he took the computer to my friend. Because they were friends he didn’t want to pay but when he wants to pay he takes the computer the other technician not to his friend. So what i am saying here is that be very careful who your friends are and if they are not willing to support you then they will suck all your energy until you are finished.

Make your friends understand that you are running a business and they should pay for your services otherwise your business will fail. If they don’t understand that then thats clearly a sign that they don’t care about your success, all they care about is themselves and i suggest you cut them loose.

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