
Why do you betray your Lord your God?

jesus-240x300He loved you before you were even formed in your mother’s womb , he gave you his own breath for you to have life. He takes care of you everyday , in happiness and in trouble. You cried once and he heard and answered your prayers. The enemy tried to harm you once but he protected you , even though you didn’t see that. He fought your battles endless time but you call it luck!!! Go outside and look up and around you , who created everything you see.  If its not the God of Isaac , Jacob & Abraham , who then did the work? You live because he lives , he loves you but why do you stab him at the back , why do you betray his mercy and love for you.

Has he ever wronged any of you, or disappointed you? Has he ever taken anything from you , that was yours? So then why do you hate him so much that you disobey his word? If you don’t worship the true God , God who raised Jesus from the dead , which god then do you worship? You knw yoself better, if you don’t worship God the creator of heaven and earth then ask yourself who do you worship? Who is in control of your life. Even in the evil world they have a god they worship , how about you , i mean you , yes yourself , ask yourself which god you worship and listen to. Brethren listen to the word of the Almighty God, the God of Moses and Elisha , Jehova & do what he say. Remember one day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is the Lord.

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