articles,  motivation

Live your dream at University

Cape Peninsula University of Technology

Its easier to start a business when you are at university, when you do not stress about rent or money because your parents are giving you or your bursary is paying for everything. This is the time your business partner is staying close to you and you can spend the whole night working on your business.

Once you are done with university it is not going to be easy to start your dream business, because pressure of having money to pay rent is too much and everyone else is expecting you to get a job and once you start working, then everything changes.

I have talked to many old people and many of them had brilliant ideas when they were young but every year they regret because they never executed the ideas. It was like a fish out of water.  An idea alone is not enough, it needs to be implemented.

Ladies and gents, never say i will do it tomorrow when you can do it today, you should not become a tomorrow person. Remember today is yesterday’s tomorrow. Live your dream today and enjoy for the rest of your life

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